autohotkey to modify keyboard on windows

Published in categories blog  Technology  tagged with #Windows  #AutoHotKey 

I am using Windows on my workplace while my personal PC is based on macOS. It is not easy to using the key shortcuts back. So I plan to use some app to change keys on Windows.

After using Sharpkeys to change win and control(I am using Apple’s Magic Keyboard so the command is equal to the win in windows, if you use normal keyboard, change ctrl with alt.) There are still some problems such as Alt+Tab on windows is Command+Tab on Mac, delete files on windows is not as easy as that on Mac. At this time, I find the new app #AutoHotKey#. with it, you can write scripts to change apps, close apps, open folders in a easy way.

I put my settings in my github repo( and will add it as a basic setting when changing to a new workplace.

Moreover, today is π day, seems it is the dullest π day all these year, but indeed, I struggled with the keybaord today. And I want to say something to myself: Do not look back sooooo much and ofter or you will look today back in some future.

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